Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If you could go back in time.

The date was September 11, 2001. I remember sitting there, in front of the television, horrified at the sight of the Twin Towers collapse as a plane struck them. There was fire, and an extreme amount of smoke exiting through the building. People were screaming, so frightened from what they were seeing. No one knew what to do, except to just watch and hope that everything would soon come to its end. It was like everything was happening in slow motion, almost as if there was no other sound, just the sound and sight of the television. And then I realized people started plummeting from the building, they were trapped in there, and the only thing they could do was jump and prey to god that they would live to see another day. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, another plane crashed into the towers. That's where everything just stopped. There were 2,996 casualties just from the Twin Towers alone, but there were 6,294 survivors from the attack. Seeing a terrorist attack actually happen is life changing, it makes people think about our world, and how we can change it. But it also gives people hope, because even though the World suffered greatly for what happened, we all come together to help one another. The world lost a lot of great people that day, but we also saved people's lives, and that's what really matters.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice for a topic. It would be more dramatic if you describe it as if you were there. we all watched it on TV - give us the experience of being there. Push your diction further.
