Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesdays with Morrie

In today’s society, we are led to believe if we aren’t skinny, we are not beautiful. If we don’t have enough money to buy expensive cars and houses, we’re poor. The main places all this negativity is displayed is on television or in magazines. All the commercials and magazine ads have extremely young, beautiful, skinny women or huge jacked up men in them. This gets people in the mind set that they have to look exact like the models in the ads, or the actors in the commercial. When really, if you sit down and actually take a look and think of how those commercials and ads are made, they are photo shopped and the people don’t even look anything like that. Morrie is dying, and he can still manages to be happy, he looks at the bright side of things. “And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it. Create your own culture.” What Morrie really means is, if you don’t like the culture in today’s society, try to change it. You have to be strong enough to say, “I don’t want this.” People these days live very boring lives; we don’t take a second and really look where we are in life. All we worry about is our next pay check, and the next toy we’ll buy next.

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